Calgary, AB

In collaboration with Dialog we helped VIVO with their wildly ambitious and important facility expansion. We are the wet-side experts here, helping to deliver their aquatics program.

Photographs: Tom Arban

Aberdeen Park

Richmond, BC

A collaboration with landscape architects VDZ, Aberdeen park is a new urban park in Richmond that builds on a successive phasing efforts. Gardens, stage, and planes, oh my!

Photography: Brett Hitchins

Sunset Nursery & Operations Yard

Vancouver, BC

Building on the successful completion of the Masterplan, we are deep into the multi-year, multi-phase design and construction of the Sunset Nursery & Operations Yard. A cornerstone of South Vancouver operations, the project will provide a new home for local and city wide operations while remaining a good neighbour to the Community Centre, Arena, Park and local residents.

Currently under construction. Images: Carscadden

WC Blair Expansion

Township of Langley, BC

The latest in a long, long line of successive projects at WC Blair, the expansion (which includes renovations, of course) provides additional fitness area and rejuvenated spaces while continuing the work of steadily maintaining and improving the facility’s durability.

Photography: Andrew Latreille

Lonsdale Quay

North Vancouver, BC

Who in Vancouver hasn’t looked across the water or down Lonsdale Avenue and taken notice of the landmark Q? A place of near-constant change, we are working with the owners to renovate both the interiors and exterior public interface of the original market.

Imagery: Carscadden

Jewish Community Centre

Vancouver, BC

We are the wet-side experts for the new JCC, that “[w]hile Jewish at heart, – is accessed by a variety of different communities and is one of the leading and most diverse community centres in the area.” Working under lead architects Acton Ostry Architects.

Photography: Acton Ostry Architects

BCIT Campus Services Centre

Burnaby, BC

A major new project at BCIT in partnership with Moriyama Teshima Architects. We’ll let you know when we can tell you more!

East Van Residence

East Van, Yo

We think Jim Sutherland said it best about this project in Western Living:

Maybe it’s more prose than poetry, but Carscadden’s description of the project as “beautiful decisions that fit within the rules” is as apt a description of a successful urban renovation as is likely to be found. Leave it to the client to supply the poetry. “There’s nothing about it that I’d change,” says Cossever (client). “We got it all.”

Heatley Street Residences

Vancouver, BC

Apartment buildings are rarer than rare in Strathcona and preserving these two were critical to maintaining the existing neighbourhood fabric. Now newly connected via a modern central stair, the buildings maintain their primary heritage value: a strong urban presence on the corner and modest apartments in a sea of single family houses.

Photography: Krista Jahnke

Carscadden SWAG

We make stuff too sometimes, which is fun. Books, bike kits, route profiles, and mud flaps. We also do friends’ jerseys, but only if they ask nicely 😉